Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kindness and Compassion

Kindness and compassion are two of the most important qualities in a person. Trust and honesty are two of the next most important because a viable society needs them to be as smooth and stesss-free as possible.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Core Values

Bottom line philosophy and religion--if you find this site, based on repetitive observation, it is my opinion that you have discovered the moral "theory of everything" for humans.

not intended to be taken as dogma

1) Observe and evaluate the universe. 2) Hold beliefs loosely, if at all.

3) Pursue Golden Rule, 4) eschew jungle law, 5) because what goes around comes around. 6) If God can be found, it might be through scientific means, if any.

7) Belief is involuntary and based on our knowledge and understanding, life experiences, and natures. 8) Better not to believe anything than to be dogmatic.

9) Reject competition against others, the root of human-made evil. All competition against others is predatory, more or less. Hate is an aspect of competition while love is of cooperation.


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